Teenage unemployment rate a disgrace
Two months ago it was twenty six percent of teenagers 15-19 who were looking for work, now that figure has risen to twenty eight percent in the same age group. It’s not easy to find a job if you are a teenager and, if you do, to know how long the job might last. The fluidity in today’s markets leaves a lot to be desired and is rapidly festering on our youth an unemployment sore which is getting harder and harder to clear up. It’s actually at the stage that those in their 50’s, with their own home and assets are the lucky ones; we’re looking at generations here who may never have that level of security. And it’s not just here, the youth unemployment problems are worldwide and causing massive social unrest, especially in European countries. So what has brought us to this day? What is causing these huge imbalances in opportunities for our young people which, incidentally, places huge stress on their families who are supporting them through awkward economic times, they are, possibly, experiencing themselves? Do we say that globalisation has ‘tightened’ up the markets and not as many people are needed in the workforce due to enhanced technologies? Or is it the population of the world which has ‘overrun’ the number of job vacancies available leaving a huge chasm that teenagers are slipping into? This all sounds a bit too simplistic to me. It’s about better business planning for the future and considering again youth employment rates which allows for experience on the job and a start into a meaningful life. It’s about forward-thinking policies being put in place to look after the future, so that our youth have real incentives to stay here and not just drift across ‘The Ditch’. It’s a given that […]