Are we being poisoned?
(Part I)
-Cariola Carabel, Spain
There is a point when even the most obtuse might notice that our leaders are not on our side. Many did not have access to the paperwork that allowed for their mortgage or rent to be postponed. Those who continued working in situ, such as healthcare workers, were forced to get the jab, irrespective of their personal wishes.

Their health is almost certainly worse as a result. Two days ago (at the time of writing), Pfizer executive Janine Small admitted to the EU Parliament that the Covid vaccine was never tested for transmission. Given that it does not, even officially, stop infection either – but perhaps reduces symptoms -, whatever this is, it is NOT a vaccine!
But I am not going over that issue. The lies, contradictory statements, unscientific balderdash, relentless fearmongering and propaganda are an undisputable fact.
Additionally, there is a wealth of official statistics that, once we remember that for two weeks after the “vaccine” one was counted as unvaccinated, show an alarmingly high rate of bad health and excess death from all causes among the injected.
An enlightening moment might be when one looks carefully at The Economist’s “The World in 2019”, on sale in December 2018 (a full year before the onset of the surprise pandemic that was itself so eerily predicted in Event 201 one month before), and sees how amazingly prescient it was, with its Leonardo da Vinci-type drawings of a panda, a pangolin, the gene helix on an arm, a stork carrying a barcoded baby, facial recognition, a cannabis leaf, “Putin’s pipes”, the Four Horsemen – one masked, Pinocchio’s long nose… (in no particular order).

Another moment might be caused by the anomaly of a government encouraging, to the point of compulsion, its population to get the Covid jab, and then suggesting that it will pay for the funeral costs. The following is from the Australian Government official website:
However, Western governments have been poisoning their citizens for decades, while also actively creating wars to enrich hidden elites and massacre large parts of their own populations.
Secret germ and fungal experiments on unwitting populations are too numerous and documented to list in their entirety, and span decades. Some examples:
In 2002 The Guardian detailed in an article how the British Ministry of Defence conduced secret germ warfare tests on the public between 1940 and 1979, involving dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms, in more than 100 covert experiments.
For example, between 1955 and 1963, planes flew from northeast England to Cornwall along the coasts dropping huge amounts of zinc cadmium sulphide on the population. Cadmium is cancerogenic. In another experiment, between 1961 and 1968 more than a million people, from Torquay to the New Forest were exposed to bacteria including e.coli and the anthrax-mimicking bacillus globigii. Families in the areas used believe that children’s birth defects and handicaps were caused by the many experiments.
In the US hundreds of experiments were carried out. In 1950 the coast of San Francisco was sprayed with two types of dangerous bacteria, and one person admitted as a result to hospital died. In 1951 fungal spores were dispersed, mainly onto African-American workers, to see if they were more susceptible to fungal disease than Caucasians.
In 1954 insects were weaponised, as fleas were incorporated into bombs. The Soviets had already accused the US of dropping canisters full of insects infected with Chorea and the plague in Korea and China during the Korean War.
In 1966 light bulbs were filled with bachillus globigii and then smashed onto the rails in the New York subway, and subsequently breathed in by thousands of unwitting civilians whose clothes were also impregnated.
I am not going to detail the horrendous MK Ultra experiments here, but the degeneracy of those who designed them and carried them out is mind-blowing (no pun intended).
In the notorious Tuskegee Syphilis Study of 600 African American men, 399 with syphilis did not get the treatment they believed they were receiving, nor the penicillin that would have cured them, in an experiment that lasted for 40 years. The government finally granted free burial services to the survivors.
There are too many gruesome experiments to list here. However, the news in October 2021 that a ‘non-toxic’ gas was being released into the New York subway system should have rung alarm bells. Back in May 2020 a biocide was sprayed night after night into New York’s subway cars in a measure that would ‘eradicate the coronavirus for up to 90 days’. This is not how respiratory viruses are transmitted for a start; but, if it were to eradicate it for 90 days, then repeat spraying the very next night would be redundant. The US also uses chemical compounds to coerce and control prison inmates, in a measure that is increasingly used and clearly violates human rights.
In many cities worldwide, streets were sprayed with bleach in another absurd measure to purportedly stop Covid. These and so many other measures taken were ultimately proved to be utterly useless, not to mention incredibly unenvironmental. Sweden, which did not impose lockdown, nor mask-wearing, nor closure of schools, fared far better than Spain, which did all these things.
The USA CDC has been genetically modifying mosquitos and then releasing them in Brazil, the Cayman Island, Panama and India. Since 2019 over one billion mosquitos have been released. In 2021, despite wide and persistent push-back from residents, Bill Gates-funded (to the tune of over $9 million) Oxitec did the same in Florida, US.
Such measures could, it is said, eradicate malaria, but are inherently undemocratic; and – as is so often the case – they could also have huge unintended effects, such as the eradication of plant pollinators, the development of mutating bugs resistant to known measures of control, the poisoning of birds and other insect eaters, or blood contamination of those bitten by the mosquitoes.
In any case, technocratic, nature-modifying solutions really never, ever prove successful without unleashing another, unintended side effect that is just as bad as, or worse than the original problem.
On 16 April 2020, in the early days of the pandemic of fear, Spain’s Health Minister, Fernando Illa, authorised the spraying of biocides from military planes into the sky. I have spoken to many people about this and they seem unaware that, unlike their purported use in order ‘to destroy, deter, render harmless, or exert a controlling effect on any harmful organism’, biocides are in fact poisons for all living beings.
Luckily, a few months earlier in August 2019, some might say with fortuitous prevision and precision, the Spanish Ministry for Defence and the Spanish Medicines Agency agreed to a state-wide deposit of medicines for emergencies and catastrophes, specifically antivirals and the manufacture of medicines for special situations.
A few days ago (at the time of writing) in an interview on 8 October 2022, ex-Minister Illa explains how the anti-vax ‘flat-earthers’ had been one of his Ministry’s main worries. It is a fact that in the entire Western world the narrative came down to vaccination against the coronavirus, despite their being real and historic reasons to query the possible efficacy of an injection against respiratory illness, plus the lack of long-term testing for the experimental gene-therapy.
The Minister might, indeed, have worried more about the neglect of elderly, vulnerable people in the ‘care’ homes or isolated alone in their houses, which lead to tens of thousands dying alone or horribly mistreated before their time (mostly in privatised ‘care’ centres). He might even have worried about the needless use of ventilators used on conscious, breathing individuals, which caused death in almost 90% of cases, due to the Covid protocols applied in many Western countries.
But not to worry! In other Western countries lockdown also had a large impact on mental health, and the thousands of abandoned elderly patients died of thirst.
Does receiving the flu vaccine make the flu, if you get it, worse?
It does make you more susceptible to coronavirus in general and human metapneumovirus.
But does it work at all? According to the USA CDC, not very much. The effectiveness in the graph below is based on estimates, which are likely to be boosted upwards, due to the CDC partnership with the very drug companies that produce the vaccines.
Also, please note the disappearance of the flu during the 2020-21 season, resulting in the vaccine effectiveness not even being officially recorded!
As a sidenote, I intended to investigate exactly which companies provide funding for the various centres for disease control, such as the US CDC and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, but found a massive web of interconnecting semi-governmental agencies with absolutely no transparency over the billions of euros and dollars they manage, much of which is from private corporations. This is a project that will have to wait.
Down this particular rabbit hole, of official misinformation, obfuscation and fearmongering, it is easy to switch off, because the alternative – that our leaders are lying psychopaths – is a scary thought.
But are they psychopaths?
In two-party representative political systems, as produced by first-past-the-post electoral procedures, it is easy for both parties to degenerate into a one-party system with two superficially different ‘Choose red or blue!’ factions. Both will invariably support indistinguishable economic measures and forever wars – there is nothing like war to allow public money to fall into unaccountable private hands.
Most politicians are more akin to second-rate actors, reading their lines well, and looking the part on the screen. They will never explain to the public how financial interests absolutely determine the political direction that a country can take and how any whiff of socialism will provoke these interests into trashing the pound or euro and rendering the huge debts that all Western countries have unpayable in a matter of hours, all the while profiteering off the chaos.
As George Soros said, as an investor he puts his humanity to one side and concentrates on making a profit. We live in capitalism that raises the more unscrupulous to the top (Gordon Gekko’s ‘Greed is good’!) and incentivises sociopathy. Roughly 4% to as high as 12% of CEOs exhibit psychopathic traits, according to some expert estimates, many times more than the 1% rate found in the general population and more in line with the 15% rate found in prisons.
As for the rest of the enablers who are not sociopaths, it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it, as Upton Sinclair famously observed.
And yet, in the uplifting and rather remarkable book Human Kind: a Hopeful History, Rutger Bregman shows that the vast majority of us are compassionate, empathetic beings. One of the many anecdotes from the book is the following:
Tom Postmes, professor of social psychology at the University of Groningen has asked students the same question for years: ‘Imagine an airplane makes an emergency landing and breaks into three parts. As the cabin fills with smoke, everybody inside realises: ‘We’ve got to get out of here.’ What happens?’
On Planet A, the passengers turn to their neighbours to ask if they’re okay. Those needing assistance are helped out of the plane first. People are willing to give their lives, even for perfect strangers. On Planet B, everyone’s left to fend for themselves. Panic breaks out. There’s lots of pushing and shoving. Children, the elderly, and people with disabilities get trampled underfoot.
Now the question: which planet do we live on? 97 per cent of people think we live on Planet B; but the truth is, in almost every case, we live on Planet A.
The problem is that we have allowed a system to be imposed that effectively enslaves us and gives us a truly false idea of our potential for peaceful, meaningful existence. Worse still it has given the very worst elements huge power over us. Mainly because we have let ourselves be convinced that this is the natural order of things. And if we are being poisoned like rats, so be it!